Thursday, April 5, 2007

Grapheety on iPhone (Could the world be any easier to explore).

In the next few months Apple is set to release what will surely be a revolution in the Cell Phone industry. Revolutionary because it will combine into one sleek easy to use interface all the functionality other manufacturers have been trying to cram into a small plastic case for years, and then some.

We here at Grapheety have very serious plans for letting our users take the site mobile via iPhone. Just imagine being stuck in midtown Manhattan and not having a clue where to eat. Are you going to trust the words of some stuffy food critic—No! And you won't have to. With the advanced capabilities of Grapheety and iPhone working seamlessly together you will be able to page through the locations of restaurants in your immediate vicinity, see pictures, and read reviews from people just like yourself (real people) all while on the go.

And the magic doesn't stop there. Other concepts still in development include a kind of on the go geo-blogging the likes of which this world has not yet seen. This is the basic scenario. Take a picture with your iPhone, using the built in GPS system grapheety auto-tags that picture onto the grapheety map, just add a story and you are blogging on the go.

We have even considered developing a kind of blue-tooth exchange that will allow you to identify other grapheety users in the immediate area that have been to the same places as yourself.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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